I can help bring your dream wardrobe to life.

Want an organised wardrobe, to feel confident in what you wear, with less stress in choosing an outfit for the day?

I’ll empower you to feel your absolute best in what you wear each day and to shop like a pro!

Whether you need help to Refresh your wardrobe, take the stress out of Shopping for an upcoming Wedding or Special Event, or a complete Style Revival – I’ve got your back!

If you aren’t sure where to start – it all begins with a wardrobe detox…

Hello! I’m Megan! Lover of coffee, music, books, fashion and I’m a Personal Stylist based in Perth, WA.

But really, I’m more like your fairy godmother.

Except when the clock strikes 12, I promise that you won’t lose yourself, your shit or your shoe, and you’ll get to keep that gorgeous dress.

By the time we’ve finished, you won’t need a handsome prince or a fancy carriage. You’ll be your own queen, oozing with confidence and the know-how to “just throw on an outfit” quickly and easily that not only looks amazing but fits properly, it’s comfortable, flatters your figure and suits your features.

We’ll create you a wardrobe (or rejig the one you have) so that it really does light you up and brings out your smile. One that doesn’t give space to those evil step-sisters (self and doubt) or that evil stepmother that drains your will to live. One that brings you down from the tower and back into your circle of awesome.

But what I really love the most about what I do, is together we’ll refine or create you a personal style that you love.

A style that makes you feel good and inspired. A style that celebrates everything that is uniquely you.

Now that, my dear, is where the magic is. Welcome to Empire Wardrobe. 

My name is Megan, and I’m here to help you create confidence through style.